Please take time to complete the audience research survey that I have made below.
Questionnaire results
This questionnaire was designed and made to identify the demographic of my target audience as well as finding out their psycho graphic information and what they expect to see in a typical horror trailer product.
As a result of my questionnaire i have found out that the demographic that i should be targeting is females aged 17 or younger. As shown by figures 1 and 2, 78.6% of people who took my survey were female and 64.3% were 17 years or younger. This however is a rather small demographic and conventionally horror movie are rated 18+. Therefore I will extend the demographic to females as well as males, however keep with a female style trailer and I will extend the age bracket from 17 or younger to 17 - 29 as 14.3% of survey takers were in that age bracket as well.
Figure 1 |
Figure 2 |
As seen in figure 3 I have had a range of responses to the hobbies question I set. Looking at the results we can see that 71.4% of people who took my survey like looking on the internet, 71.4% also like watching TV as well as watching movies. This is a great result as it now shows that people like to watch TV meaning they are more likely to watch the trailer I will produce due to this result. This will result in me making a movie trailer an knowing that people will watch it if I advertise and distribute correctly using this data.
Figure 3 |
The ranking question shown in figure 4 was very interesting to read. This question was undoubtedly the most formal and best question to see what i must put into my horror genre trailer. As we can see that 42.9% of people who took my survey rated scary scenes at the top factor they expect to see in a horror movie. This was a pretty obvious result as everyone expects to see scary scenes in a horror trailer and this is going to feature heavily in my trailer. The items that 28.6% of people rated as the second most important thing they expect to see in a horror trailer was dark scenes and a normal family becoming scared and terrorized. This therefore means that I will have to include the dark scenes and a normal family or people within my movie trailer to make it conventional and suit everyone's needs.In third and fourth place respectively above the three items mentioned above, a family moving into a haunted house made it. This means along with the three things already mentioned I must include a unexpected haunted house with a family moving in. This will also make the trailer conventional as the items mentioned above all feature in many horror genre film trailers.
Figure 4 |
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